黑芝麻油保濕養髮膜 Black Sesame Oil Hair Mask

黑芝麻油保濕養髮膜 Black Sesame Oil Hair Mask

黑芝麻油保濕養髮膜 Black Sesame Oil Hair Mask

黑芝麻貴為 Super Food 超級食物,黑芝麻油同樣含有豐富護膚原素: 油酸、亞油酸,卵磷脂、維他命E和蛋白質及鈣、鐵等物質。
黑芝麻油 是 天然的營養保濕劑 ,亦聞名於 預防頭髮早白。
知道大家都好重視 #頭髮保養,就教大家用 黑芝麻油 DIY保濕養髮膜 ,塗搽在頭皮及秀髮上加以按摩,待5-10分鐘後加以洗淨即可 。

黑芝麻油  7-10ml
蘆薈膠 30ml
大西洋雪松精油 3滴
甜橙精油 4滴



大西洋雪松/香柏精油 : 有助對抗頭皮屑和脫髮問題。

甜橙精油 :清新香氣,增加頭髮光澤。

1.可於配方中5% 「水解蠶絲蛋白萃取液」為頭髮增添亮麗光澤和梳理性。
2. 可於配方中3%「雅支竹萃取液」 有助於促進頭髮更有彈性,光澤, 減少毛躁。

* 6歲以下使用請先諮詢醫生意見

Black Sesame Oil 7-10g
Aloe Vera Gel 30g
Orange Oil 4drops
Cedarwood Oil 3drop

usage:Mixed well together and apply on skull with gentle massage,Wrap hairs with towels for 5 -10 mins treatment.

Black sesame oil is a natural nutritional moisturizer and is also known to prevent premature graying of hair.

Cedarwood essential Oil : Helps fight dandruff and hair loss.

Sweet Orange essential Oil : Fresh aroma, increase hair luster.

**Recipe for reference only, For sensitive skin, please tester before use.
**Children under 6 years old and individual patients need to have consultations with doctors.


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